iOS CocoaPod (depr.)
The Glimr SDK Lite focuses on location data from devices in foreground.
You have two options to integrate the iOS SDK. You can find the latest release on Github or you use CocoaPods pod "GLGeoRealtime"
to add the latest stable version to your app.
<string>This uses location data</string>
Device Capabilities (entitlements)
NSUUID *apiToken = [[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:<API_TOKEN>];
GLAudienceManager *audienceManager = [[GLAudienceManager alloc] initWithApiToken:apiToken geoFixDecimals:4];
NSLog(@"Cached tags %@", [audienceManager cachedTags:GLTagResponseFormatFlat]);
[audienceManager glimrTagsWithCompletion:^(NSDictionary *audiences, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Tags %@", audiences);
Please reach out to us on [email protected]!
Updated almost 3 years ago